
Enhancing Innovation and Sustainability in Adriatic Aquaculture

„Enhancing Innovation and Sustainability in Adriatic Aquaculture”
PROGRAMME: Interreg  V-A Italy-Croatia 2014.-2020.
ACRONYM: AdriAquaNet

The aim of the project is to build synergies between production industries and research institutes, to meet the innovation needs of Italian and Croatian fish farmers. Thanks to advanced environmentally friendly/economical fish farming protocols, the health and quality of fishery products will be improved, which will directly contribute to the competitiveness of small and medium-sized fish growers in regional and international markets.

The project is in line with the proposal of the EUSAIR Action Plan for the aquaculture sector, which seeks to increase the involvement of stakeholders in aquaculture, their integration and skills development and the diversification of fishery products. The project will involve various stakeholders on the Italian and Croatian side - scientific and research institutions, entrepreneurs and their fish farms, processing industry and public associations. The established cooperation will enable the creation of concrete actions aimed at fish farming and their processing.


University of Udine (Lead Partner; Italy), 
Croatian Veterinary Institute (Croatia), 
University of Trieste (Italy), 
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia)
Italian Health Authority and Research Organization for Animal Health and Food Safety (Italy), National Research Council of Italy – Department of Chemical Science and Material Technology (Italy), Mariculture Cluster (Croatia)
Friškina Ltd (Croatia)
Fishfarm Caldoli Ltd (Italy)
Orada Adriatic Ltd (Croatia)
Friultrota Di Pighin Ltd (Italy).
PROJECT DURATION: 1. 1. 2019. – 30. 6. 2021.

Project goals:
  • New recipes for feeding farmed fish to improve their well-being and quality;
  • New vaccines and natural compounds to support fish health;
  • New marine farm waste management systems to exclude biofuels while reducing water pollution.
  • New food processing and marketing to attract more consumers.
  • Transferring these new technologies to 25 local SMEs and training a group of 50 workers to apply these innovations to their workplace.

Three big themes

The three big themes of the project are:
  • The fish farm.  Partners will work to transfer greater sustainability and quality to fish farming through innovative solutions for feeding farmed fish and saving energy in production plants.
  • The fish doctor. To improve the management of health aspects through the preparation of new vaccines and the development of therapies based on natural products. A method will also be set up to monitor the welfare of farmed fish, which can be directly applied by farmers.
  • The fish market. The sensorial and hygienic-sanitary quality of fresh fish will be improved and new processed products will be studied, also as-sessing consumer satisfaction.
Official flyer of the project: click here to view

Project team Orada Adriatic d.o.o. in recent period attended three Kick of meetings: 

January 2019 -Udine
May 2019 – Split
June 2019 – Udine